Kim Wilkens
About Me
In the News
Presentations & Workshops
Bringing computer science education research into K-8 classrooms
(CSTA - July 2022)
Planned use and perceived challenges of equitable computer science teaching strategies with K-8 teachers
(AERA - May 2022)
Creating equitable CS experiences: What works?
(VSTE - December 2021)
Strategies to increase equity in K-8 CS education
(CSTA - July 2021)
Changing in K-8 teacher self-efficacy with CS and culturally responsive teaching through an RPP workshop
(SIGCSE - March 2021)
Creating Equitable Computer Science Experiences
(VSTE - December 2020)
K-8 Computer Science Cohort Playdate
(VSTE - December 2019)
#TechGirlsChallenge Pop-up Station
(MozFest - October 2019)
Where Are the Girls?
(Grace Hopper Celebration Session Moderator - October 2018)
Design Thinking Meets Robotics
(Scratch Conference, Workshop Leader - July 2018)
Journey of a Tech-Girl (Graduate SWE Summer Seminar Guest Speaker
June 2018)
Smart Women Got It Done: Code Girls
(VA Festival of the Book Moderator - March 2018)
Tech Activist: Superhero-in-training
(VSTE Keynote - November 2017)
Is that real: Preparing students to outfox fake news
(MozFest Presenter - October 2017)
Computer Science Meets the Classroom
(VAIS LLC Conference Workshop Leader - September 2017)
Learn to Learn: CS Institute
(Conference Organizer - July 2017)
Foiling Fake News with Fourth
(library 2.0 Presenter - June 2017)
She Started It Screening
(TomTom Founders' Festival Moderator - April 2016)
Women + Web = <STRONG>
(Global Education Conference Presenter - November 2016)
Computer Science Meets the Classroom
(MozFest Web Literacy Wrangler & Presenter - October 2016)
SPARK Hackathon: Student-Centered Learning in the Real World
(VAIS Tech Conference Presenter - April 2016)
Getting Hands-on with the Maker Movement
(NCGS Conference Workshop Leader - June 2015)
Hello World: Transforming Users into Creators, Collaborators & Activists!
VSTE Conference
Ignite Speaker - December 2014)
Journey of a Tech-Girl
(Microsoft Ireland Enterprise Featured Speaker - October 2014)
Girls in Tech Teaching Kit: Next Steps
(Mozfest Presenter - October 2014)
The Magic of Tech: Lessons from Hogwarts
(VSTE Brainstorm Keynote - April 2014)
Where Are the Girls?
Ignite Presenter -
December 2013)
Where Are the Girls?
Presenter - September 2013)
Computer Science for All!
Presenter - September 2013)
Teach the Web
(NetHope Women's TechConnect Speaker - August 2013)
Let’s Get Physical with Scratch: Sensors, Robots & Consoles
(ISTE Workshop Leader - June 2013)
CoderDojo: Digital Poster Session
(ISTE - June 2013)
Social Media: The good, the bad & the ugly
(Safe Schools and Children, Youth & Family Services event - April 2013)
Teen Tech Girls
Albemarle County Public Schools Breaking Traditions Conference
Presenter - April 2013)
CoderDojo: Worldwide Youth Coding Club Movement
Presenter - January 2013)
Geek Gurl Diaries: Empowering the Next Generation of Tech Women
Global Education Conference
Presenter - November 2012)
CoderDojo: World-wide Youth Coding Club Movement
session with CoderDojo co-founder, Bill Liao; Ireland coordinator, Lindsay MacVean; Albemarle County Public School teachers & CoderDojo mentors Jon Barber, Paula White & Michael Craddock (
Global Education Conference
- November 2012)
Project Justice: Empower Youth Voices
Global Education Conference
- November 2012)
Kinect2Scratch: Music, Mayhem & More
(Albemarle County Public Schools Making Connections conference - November 2012)
CS Advocacy: Lessons from Hogwarts
(CS&IT Conference - July 2012)
Girls in STEM
(EdCamp Cville - June 2012)
Can coding really change the world?
(Albemarle County Public Schools Breaking Traditions Conference - April 2012)
Strengthening Computer Science Education
(VAIS Technology Conference - March 2011)
What's Your Policy?
(VAIS Technology Conference - March 2011)
Conference Notes
Tell Your Story: #CWITSummit2020 Reflection
(November 2020)
#TechGirlsChallenge: MozFest Reflection
(October 2019)
Hard Truths and Hope: #NCWITSummit Reflection
(May 2019)
Take Action: #SWITCHONCWIT Summit Reflection
(November 2018)
Start Something: #GHC18 Reflection
(October 2018)
Design Thinking Meets Robotics @ #ScratchMIT2018
(July 2018)
Dream Bigger: #ScratchMIT2018 Reflection
(July 2018)
MozFest 2017 Reflections
(October 2017)
Failure, Frustration & Fearlessness
(CS Institute, July 2017)
#SIGCSE2017 Reflections
(April 2017)
Journey to Mozfest
(October 2016)
#NCGS15 Conference Reflections: Where the Girls Are
(June 2015)
SXSWEdu - the take aways
(March 2015)
VSTE 2014 Conference Reflections: Connect, Collaborate, Change
(December 2014)
(January 2012)
Global Education Conference
(November 2012)
Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing (October 2012)
Moving the Needle Across Georgia in K-12 Computing Education
Are We There Yet? Education and Innovation for Girls and Women
Where Are We on Computing Among Girls of Color in K-12?
Are We There in Mentoring for Diversity?
Scratch “Create Your World” Conference Reflections
(July 2012)
CSIT 2012 Conference Reflections
(July 2012)
Cville EdCamp Reflections
(June 2012)
Global Education Conference
(November 2011)
art&&code 3D
(October 2011)
VAIS Technology Conference
(April 2011)
K12 Computing Teachers Workshop
@ Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing (October 2010)
VAIS Conference: Children are Changing: R We?
(November 2008)
About Me
In the News